Terms of use

This website

  • The codes, layout and graphics on this website are not to be copied or used for other webpages
  • Do not direct link from here; save things on your own computer instead of stealing my bandwith


  • The tutorials are, unless otherwise noted, written by me after experimenting with PSP.  Any similarities to other tutorials are purely co-incidental.  Please do not rewrite or recreate my tutorials in any way.  The tutorials should not be considered your own work and should not  be placed on homepages and/or websites, cd's, or anywere else in a collection. If you want to make a link to one of my  tutorials please send me an e-mail with the name of the tutorial you wish to link and the URL where the link is to be placed. In almost all cases I will grant you permission to link to my tutorials.
  • Some tutorials are translated. I translated them with permission of the original creator.
  • The graphics and material I have used in the tutorials come from a wide variety of web sources and are as far I believe, licensed for personal use only and are copyrighted by their respective artist/designer.  If this is not the case and I have used something that you consider is yours, then please e-mail me. If possible personal permission of the artist/designer has been asked. I have also added, where possible, a link to the artists/disigner that I have used.
  • Do not direct link from here; save things on your own computer instead of stealing my bandwith.
  • Sorry, but I'm not allowing translations, so please do not email me asking for permission to translate my tutorials.


  • Do not remove my copyright or modify any of my dolls; do not use my dolls or parts of it to make your own.
  • My dolls or parts of it are not to be used for banners, layouts, graphics, tags or whatever
  • My dolls belong on my site only; do not place the on your site and/or claim them as your own
  • Do not use my dolls or parts of it in dollmakers;
  • Dolls can, unless stated otherwise be adopted


  • My bases may not be used for commercial purposes or on commercial websites. This means you cannot use anything made from these bases on a website where you sell anything at all. This includes "bartering" or "for donations", this also includes making things that will serve as advertisement for your commercial endeavors. This includes items sold for forum money that are required to be linked back to your commercial website. Not sure, please contact me
  • You may use the bases to create fully clothed dollz to offer as linkware or merely as display on your website, to make as signatures for your emails and your forums or to sell for forum money in forum shops. You may make layouts for yourself ONLY out of anything made from my bases. This means you cannot make layouts for your friends or to offer as linkware out of anything made with my bases.
  • You may change change my bases as you like, but even then a link back to my site is needed
  • You must display a clear credit and link on the same page that the doll made on my base is displayed. A credits page will not suffice!!!!
  • Please do not use my bases as a lump of clay for 'yours'.Thats crap, please don't do it. Same goes for frankendolling my bases. I don't mind if you use them as a REFERENCE for your poses, but PLEASE do not cut and paste my arms, legs, boobs whatever lol..
  • If you want to use one of my bases for a base edit contests. please send me an email to inform me.
  • My bases belong on my site! So don't offer them on your site and/or claim them as your own
  • If it doesn't say you CAN above, then this term is to let you know you CANNOT! If you would like to clarify, please


  • All dolls can be, unless stated otherwise, adopted
  • If you adopt a doll it must be placed on a page especially made for them and you must link me back using one of my banners; so adopted dolls are not to be used for making websets, layouts, graphics or what so ever
  • Do not direct link from here; save things on your own computer instead of stealing my bandwith



Copyright Layout & Design:Designwell 2002-2008 / Nothing here is public domain

center">Copyright Layout & Design:Designwell 2002-2008 / Nothing here is public domain